About Us

As our planet, Earth, glides through space it is buoyed by a solar wind. This solar wind, coming from the sun, blows at over a million miles per hour, and constantly buffets the planet with blasts of energetic particles and electromagnetic radiation. Thankfully we are surrounded by Earth’s magnetic field which, like an invisible shield, envelops us and deflects the worst dangers. Everything inside the shield is what is called the magnetosphere. The solar-terrestrial interaction – that almost cosmic ballet between the sun and Earth – not only brings generous warmth to the planet, but also results in what we call space weather. Space weather is the popular name for energy-releasing phenomena in the magnetosphere, associated with space storms and substorms. These are hurricanes in space that cause problems for satellite and ground-based technologies, and in extreme cases also astronauts.

This is what we study at SWURL, the Space Weather Undergraduate Research Laboratory, located in the Presbyterian College Physics Department. At SWURL we conduct a variety of research in space physics including space plasma physics, magnetospheric physics, ionospheric physics, atmospheric physics, and heliospheric studies.

15 November 2008

Michael, Steven, and Ali at the Savannah AGU Conference

21 October 2008

Check out this link - we've made Pc news:

Pc SWURL members to attend AGU conference

09 October 2008

SWURL member photos

Dr. Wanliss, advisor

Ali, student research

James, student research

Michael, student research

Steven, student research

Michelle, secretary

The group!

Michael, Steven, and Ali - recipients of grant to Savannah Conference

02 October 2008

Congratulations to three SWURL members!

Congratulations to Michael Watke, Steven Smith, and Ali Knaak who have been awarded direct grants from the American Geophysical Union/American Physical Society to attend the

AGU Chapman Conference on Universal Heliophysical Processes (IHY)

Savannah, Georgia, USA

10–14 November 2008

18 September 2008

Solutions to SWURL Tasks

Michael Watke's solutions to the first SWURL tasks are no available in the SWURL public folder. To access these documents, simply go to My Computer -> Socrates -> Public Folder -> SWURL.

If you have any questions about the solutions, email Michael, and he'll be happy to help. Thanks guys!

16 September 2008

Space Physics

Some pretty space physics pictures!

Meeting Minutes - 10 September 2008

1. Opened with prayer
2. Phone numbers were taken in case emergency contact is necessary
3. Dr. Wanliss gave a brief introduction to space physics
4. Dr. Wanliss announced that students who have yet to pick up their keys and/or timesheets need to do so ASAP
5. Michelle and Ali worked out times to organize the lab

07 September 2008

Job Assignments

**Jobs were assigned according to who emailed me the soonest**

Schaum Book Series:
1. Steven Smith
2. Ali Knaak

Themis Satellite Program:
1. Michael Watke
2. James Johnson

Code Repository
1. Michael Butler

If you have any question as to which job you have been assigned, please email Michelle. We will be discussing these jobs in more detail at the Wednesday meeting.

Meeting Minutes - 3 September 2008

1. Introductions were made and a prayer was said.

2. The goal for the semester is to be proficient in the MatLab program.

3. Jobs were assigned and defined:

Michelle - Secretary

Nick - grading papers, helping Dr. Wanliss with student affairs

2 Students for Shaum Book Series

2 Students for Themis Satellite Project

1 Student for setting up a code repository

Students were to email Michelle with the hours they could work per week and the job to which they would like to be assigned.

4. If lab equipment or books are needed, talk to Dr. Wanliss for approval and then to Michelle. Also, email Michelle if a student copy of MatLab is wanted.

5. We discussed upcoming conferences, including the November Heliophysics Conference in Savannah, Georgia and the San Francisco conference in December. Student were asked to email Nancy Crooker to ask for a fee waiver for the November conference.

05 September 2008


Welcome to Pc SWURL - homepage to the Presbyterian College Space Weather Undergraduate Research Laboratory!